- A computer network is basically the collection of two or more computer for sharing resources, ideas, exchanging of files etc.
- It is also an electronic communication media for transferring files from one computer to another computer using wire or without using wire. LAN
- Expanded LAN is Local area Network;
- Normally it connected to a small area like personal office, chamber etc.
- It is a very small network in comparison to other networks.
- The data transfer rate is faster near about 100 mbps.
- Different types of networking devices like modem, hub, switch are used in LAN.
- Expanded MAN is Metropolitan Area Network.
- It is bigger than LAN.
- It covers to a limited geographical area.
- It is collection of different LANs.
- It provides high data transfer rate normally from 100mbps to 512mbps.
- Different types of devices like switch, router, repeater are used in MAN.
- It stands for Wide area network.
- It is a huge network.
- It covers to a large geographical area in the world.
- It has no limit.
- It is available anywhere or any time in the world.
- It is the network of networks.
- Example Internet.